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  • Lawyer with twenty-five years of professional experience, in practice  since 1988, Head of the Firm PATIÑO ABOGADOS, and Managing  Director of PATIÑO ABOGADOS Y ECONOMISTAS S.L.P. 
  • Lawyer of the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of  Ferrol since 1989 until its dissolution. Member of the commissions in  charge of informing the national and regional legislative projects of the  norms that affected the competence scope of the Chambers of  Commerce. 
  • Professor of Administrative Law at the University School of Social  Graduates of Ferrol from the academic year 1995 to the year 2008. University of La Coruna. 
  • Professor of Community Law at the University School of Social  Graduates of Ferrol from the academic year 1995 to the year 2008. University of La Coruna. 
  • Associate professor at the University of A Coruña of Administrative Law  at the University School of Labour Relations of Ferrol until 2008. University of La Coruna. 
  • Mediator of the Mediation Service of the Superior Council of Chambers  of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Spain. 
  • Arbitrator appointed by the Galician Council of Chambers of Commerce  of Galicia before the Superior Court of Justice of Galicia. 
  • Lawyer of the House of the Urban Property of Ferrol and of the  Association of Owners of Real Estate of Ferrolterra 
  • Bankruptcy Administrator. 
  • Compliance Officer 

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  • Collegiate lawyer no. 879 of the Bar Association of Ferrol.
  •  Letrado Director de “González-Llanos Abogados” (años 2016
    a 2019)
  •  Especialista en las áreas de Derecho civil, mercantil, penal y
  •  Experto en Derecho Bancario
  •  Miembro de la asesoría jurídica externa de recuperaciones de
    Banco Santander – Territorial Galicia (años 2005 a 2012)
  •  Miembro de la asesoría jurídica del Ayuntamiento de Ferrol
    (años 2005 a 2012)
  •  Miembro de la asesoría jurídica de los Ayuntamientos de
    Cabañas, Cedeira, y Aranga (años 2008 a 2012)

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  • Collegiate lawyer no. 999 of the Bar Association of Ferrol.
  • Official at the Notarial Office of San Sadurniño (A Coruña). (March 2007- February 2008). 
  • Lawyer in exercise since 2008, in Law Firm (Patiño Abogados).
  • Member of the Free Access to Justice (Turno de Oficio), Assistance to  the Detained and Violence against Women of the Bar Association of  Ferrol since April 2011.
  • Registered in the Registry of Mediators of the Bar Association of Ferrol.